Frequently Asked Questions

What is home staging?

Home staging is the process of prepping a home for sale by decluttering, depersonalizing, and improving the flow and aesthetic of the space. To stand out in a competitive market, your home has to be as appealing as possible to a wide range of buyers. Home staging focuses on what the buyer will want to see and feel when they walk through your space- a home that feels clean and open, functions well spatially, and appears to be well taken care of. While you may love your furnishing and décor, some buyers may find it difficult picturing their own décor in its place and become turned off from the home entirely, especially if there is just too much stuff!

What is the difference between a consult and a staging?

During a consult, our designer will assess your home. We will discuss your budget and look for areas that need improvement. Homeowners will be provided with a detailed list of suggestions such as where to place furniture, what to repair, what to keep and what to put in storage, where to hang artwork, light renovation suggestions such as updated tiling, painting, flooring, fixtures, etc. We will also provide you with a list of reputable tradesmen if needed.

For a staging whether it be full or partial, our designer will come in and do all of the design work for you. Clients will be expected to take care of additional suggestions such as deep cleaning, removal of unnecessary household items, and all agreed upon repairs, painting, or renovations.

Does staging actually work?

Studies show that home staging helps homes sell faster and at a higher price than non-staged homes. Once staged, homes spend an average of 73% less time on the market and buyers are willing to spend 1% to 5% more of the dollar value on a staged home than a non-staged home. In terms of making your house stand out from competitors, home staging is one of the best marketing strategies available.

How do I know if I need home staging?

Every home can benefit from home staging to increase its appeal. Even well decorated and organized homes can benefit from staging because what makes a home appealing while it’s on the market is different from what makes it appealing while someone is living in it. Vacant homes benefit from staging as well, because it allows buyers visualize how to set up their furniture in the space and understand its potential.

Can’t I just do some rearranging and decluttering myself?

While decluttering is a very important part of home staging, it is only small part of the process. There are a lot of other effective components that help add value and appeal, such as furniture placement to improve flow and spatial functionality, color palette, décor, and other minor details that create a sense of home and capture a buyer’s attention.

Do I need to put my stuff in storage to stage my home?

Most of the time, home staging utilizes a homeowner’s existing furniture and décor. However, there are often times that need to be removed in order to create better flow and depersonalize the space. If there are any items that do need to be removed we recommend housing them in a storage unit or at a friend or family member’s home until you are ready to move.

How will home staging affect my selling price?

Most staged homes end up selling for at least the listing price, and often above it. A staged home has a higher perceived value. A non-staged home will look like it needs more work, which often leads to deductions for repairs and negotiation from buyers. Staged homes also tend to sell faster because they photograph well and are specifically curated to catch a buyer’s attention.